How to Create a Free Web Hosting cPanel Account

This post demonstrates how to create a completely free web hosting cPanel account and the various features provided with a cPanel web hosting.

cPanel is a control panel software that manages Linux-based web hosting accounts and provides a user interface for easy management of various services such as FTP, emails, domains, subdomains, MySQL databases, etc. The owner of the web hosting account doesn’t need to be an expert in the Linux operating system.

Free web hosting accounts are provided by service providers such as InfinityFree from iFastNet,, 000webhost etc. In the video, an Infinityfree account is created, and it is shown how cPanel is helpful in managing various operating system services. Further, follow the different posts on Hosting Column for step-by-step videos on how useful these services are and how to configure them for professional website development.

Remember, free web hosting accounts are not recommended for professional web development, as these accounts are very unreliable and offer very limited features on their plans and products. To buy quality and reliable web hosting products with monthly plans, check out budget web hosting at Hosting Column-Budget Hosting with Monthly Plans.

Here is the video to learn How to Create a Free Web Hosting cPanel Account

Steps shown in the video are as follows

Step 1: Open your web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla, or Safari, and type InfinityFree’s website name,, or click on the link InfinityFree.

Step 2: Click on the Sign Up Now button and provide your email ID and password details. After that, an email will be sent for verification of the provided email address. Click on the link and verify the email ID. Sign in with the provided details as shown in the video.

Step 3: Click on the Create an account now button. Enter a subdomain name or your own purchased domain name for the name of the website, and click on the Create Account button. InfinityFree will create a free web hosting account, and its details can be viewed in the Client Area. Note down the username and password details.

Step 4: Now click on the Control Panel to view all the services offered by InfinityFree. On the next screen, click on the I Approve button to view the Control Panel.

Step 5: The Control Panel sidebar will show all the statistics, such as Unlimited Domains, Subdomains, MySQL Databases, Webspace, Bandwidth which are provided by InfinityFree with a free web hosting account.

Step 6: Review all the services offered by InfinityFree with the cPanel Free Web Hosting account and how to access them. In the coming videos, we will learn how useful these services are and how we can configure them for professional web development.

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