At times, it’s necessary to view your website files on your computer or development machine before transferring them to your live hosting account. This can be accomplished by making entries in the hosts file on your local device. Please remember that we do not assist with changes to your system files, and you proceed at your own risk.
- Start by finding the location of your host file:
OS | Host File Location |
Windows (10, 8, 7, XP, etc.) | c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts |
Macintosh OS X | /private/etc/hosts |
Linux | /etc/hosts |
2. Now, add an entry to your host file for your domain and hosting account using the following format:
[Loopback Address] [your domain name]
For example:
3. Save the changes to your host file and navigate to your domain name using your preferred browser. The website files on your hosting account will load, allowing you to preview your website.
Warning: Once you have finished reviewing your website and have directed your domain name to your hosting account, ensure that you delete the entry from your hosts file. Failing to remove the entry and switching plans or servers later will prevent you from accessing your site.
What is a Loopback Address?
A loopback address is a specific IP address,, designated by InterNIC for testing network adapters. This IP address is linked to the software loopback interface of the network adapter, which lacks physical hardware and does not need a physical network connection.
The loopback address provides a dependable way to assess the performance of hardware, software, and websites without needing a live hosting account. It also enables IT professionals to evaluate IP software without concerns regarding faulty or damaged drivers or hardware.
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