What is the difference between ‘Organic’ vs Paid Search Engine Listings?

What is the difference between ‘Organic’ & Paid Search Engine Listings?

Whenever you search something on the search engines, most of the search engines display a combination of organic and paid search results when answering user’s queries. The organic are the main results — often labeled “Web Results” or something similar. Paid listings are displayed separately on search result pages and generally listed as “Sponsored” results. The organic search results returned…

What is Search Engine Optimization & Why Should I Care?

What is Search Engine Optimization & Why Should I Care?

What is Search Engine Optimization? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving internal and external aspects of a website, or Web page, to increase its natural visibility for search engines. SEO involves editing the website’s HTML code and content to make it more search engine friendly, and then promoting the site to increase its relevance on the Web. Once…