AutoSSL is a free alternative to paid SSL certificates. With AutoSSL, your sites are automatically secured with a free, Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificate by Sectigo. Your SSL certificate stays up-to-date and auto-renews on your behalf.
Is there a limit to how many of my sites use AutoSSL?
Any domain associated with an AutoSSL account gets an SSL certificate by default unless an existing SSL certificate is already installed.
What if I already have an SSL certificate installed?
AutoSSL won’t override any existing installed SSL certificates.
What if I add another domain or change my primary domain?
AutoSSL immediately attempts to install an SSL certificate when you change your primary domain or add another domain to your hosting account.
Do I need to validate my domain for AutoSSL to work?
For AutoSSL to install successfully, your domain must point to your hosting IP address. Typically, if your domain is in the same account as your hosting account then no action on your part is needed.
Can I install an SSL certificate over an existing SSL certificate provided by AutoSSL?
Yes. First, go to the “SSL/TLS Status” of cPanel admin and exclude the domain from AutoSSL. Then you can install your preferred SSL certificate.
Will AutoSSL automatically force a site to use HTTPS?
No, AutoSSL won’t automatically force a site to use HTTPS. You need to configure this manually based on the application you’re using.
What will the SSL certificate look like?
How frequently does AutoSSL run and can I run it manually?
AutoSSL runs daily, and it also runs automatically when you add another domain or change your primary domain. You can run AutoSSL manually from the SSL/TLS Status page in cPanel Admin.
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